Ways you can help Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County
Reaching public-school students for Jesus Christ has been our mission for over 26 years. However, without the support of our incredible community, this would not have been possible. Every year, the individuals who graciously and sacrificially volunteer their time continue to bless and encourage us and those we serve. Their contributions have helped us to minister to more than 22,000 public-school students. Approximately 2,400 of them have committed their lives to Jesus Christ.
We value each of our volunteers and know that their service is making an eternal difference. If you are interested in partnering with us to fulfill the Great Commission in our county’s middle and high schools, we have assembled a list of available volunteer positions with our agency as well as additional ways you can support the Released-Time Christian Education ministry.

Become a CLC Volunteer
Volunteering is a great way to help us and immerse yourself in the CLC ministry. It is an ideal way to gain a better understanding of what we do daily and the impact we have on the lives of students.
The following are various ways you can become involved in the CLC ministry:
Teach a Released-Time (RT) class. This involves a one-day-a-week commitment. You would (1) prepare and present Bible lessons in the RT class, (2) maintain classroom discipline, (3) engage students in the lesson and other classroom activities, and (4) demonstrate a Christ-like attitude. Our teachers are dependable, use Bibles in the classroom, and work hard to establish a safe learning environment for all RT students.
Become a Released-Teacher’s Assistant. This is a one-day-a-week commitment of assisting Released-Time Bible teachers in various ways (i.e., recording student attendance, escorting students to and from the RT classroom, helping to maintain order in the classroom, listening to and interacting with students, and following up on student absences, and serving as bus riders and monitors).
Serve as a CLC Bus Driver. This is an essential position because without it we cannot have our students released from school to be transported to their RT classroom site, which is usually no more than a 4-minute drive from the school. Some church buses that do not require operation by a CDL driver are donated for our use; this is certainly a bonus. Most of our volunteer drivers usually serve our students once a week.
There are also supportive volunteer roles such as office helpers who come in once a week to help with data entry, mailings, and other clerical tasks.
CLC hosts two main fundraising events each year, one in April and the other in October. These events require volunteers to help register people and ensure that they have what they need for an enjoyable evening.
If any of these positions interest you, please reach out to our office by phone (864) 242-2326 or you can email us via admin@clcofgreenville.org. We would love to have you join our amazing team of volunteers.
There are also other ministry involvement opportunities.
Become a Church Liaison.
We have been told that we are the best kept secret in Greenville County, but this is something we are seeking to change. Our amazing Speaker’s Bureau team is looking for opportunities to present the ministry in every church in Greenville County. This means that we need people within the church to connect with and introduce us to the leadership of the church. The church liaison would also be responsible for sharing ministry updates as well as any information about upcoming events and keeping CLC informed about church news and changes in the church leadership. Our church liaisons play a very important role in our ability to build and grow relationships within our community.
Become a Host Church
Our goal is to offer Released-Time Christian Education in every middle and high school in Greenville County. To meet our goal, we need the help of local churches.
Each of our Bible classes must meet at an off-school site location within a five-minute drive from the school. Most of our classes are hosted by local churches, which is a tremendous blessing. The church supplies a classroom for our students to gather each week to hear the Word of God presented during their class time. There are also opportunities for church members to minister to the students directly through periodic worship service experiences. Having a place to take our students enables us to continue to grow our Released-Time programs. It is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission in Greenville County.
Monthly Giver
Engaging monthly givers is an essential part of our ministry. It ensures us the opportunity to grow and sustain our ministry. Having a steady number of monthly givers allows us to establish our yearly budget as well as a plan for the coming months. This need for stability is what caused us to form the Firstfruit Fellowship, a special group of people who commit to giving a designated financial amount each month. Every donation ensures that Christian Learning Centers can press forward in its mission to reach America’s largest mission field for Jesus Christ. It only takes $15 a month to sponsor one student, to provide them with an opportunity to hear the Gospel and know that they were created with purpose. Our students are facing incredible opposition to the truth. Satan does not want them to know God or that they are loved with an everlasting love. He wants them to remain in the darkness of this world; but, with your help we can shine the light of God’s truth into their hearts. To learn more about our Firstfruit fellowship or to join, simply click here.
Event Sponsor
Fundraising is a critical part of the ministry as it provides the necessary means needed to continue reaching students for Christ. Part of our fundraising goal includes two main fundraisers each year: our Annual Friends and Fundraising Banquet in April and our Women’s Power Lunch in October. Choosing to be an event partner is a wonderful way to support the Released-Time ministry and let others know what really matters most to you.
The Annual Friends and Fundraising Banquet is our signature event. There are several ways you can participate:
Event sponsor: You can choose to be a Premier, Gold, Silver, or Business sponsor. Find out more about which sponsorship level would be most beneficial for you and your organization by clicking here.
Table sponsor: Each event table seats ten guests and is the perfect opportunity to introduce some friends to the ministry of Christian Learning Centers.
Our Women’s Power Lunch offers many of the same sponsorship opportunities as the Friends and Fundraising event. Please reach out to us to learn more about becoming a ministry champion.
Together we can make an eternal difference!
History has repeatedly proven the power of the multitudes to do good and change the world. We know that it takes a community to reach a county. Therefore, we are so grateful to the many individuals who volunteer with us each year. Our gratitude also extends to those who have not only given of their time but also their financial resources to ensure that this important work can continue in Greenville County. If you are interested in joining the Christian Learning Center family, please reach out to us here or calling the office: (864)-242-2326.